Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My Diary- Day Three

Day Three 15/09/34

Its around dinner time right now, but today we set up our camp (our home for the next two weeks) its near a mountian to keep us sheltered from the icy cold wind. I have my own tent, which is great so i will get to write alot more than i planned to. The temperature is extremely cold, with a very icy wind. Right now I'm sitting in my tent in my sleeping bag with two long-sleeved shirts and two very warm jerseys! we hope the wind will die down so we can eat dinner outside, then look at the stars. Tomorrow we are going to do a bit of exploring, maybe even get to name some new places, thats the bit i am looking forward too. I like the idea of something being named after me, forever. When we arrived on our ship we saw a massive group of seals! they were amazing. I have never seen any before so I'll get to mark that off my list, Oh speaking of my list here it is:
Caroline's Bucket List For Antarctica!
1- See a seal, polar bear and a penguin
2-Have on place named after me
3-See the northern lights 
4-Find a new animal

I hope to get all of them crossed off, well Bye for now
Caroline Mikkelsen

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